Services Offered
Vector Trapping
We use advanced vector traps and equipment to collect specimens from targeted areas. Traps are run for an average of 24 hours before being collected and are transported to our laboratory for species identification and quantification.
Species Identification
If you have the means to collect specimens yourself, our staff can provide accurate species identification. We can receive mosquitoes from all areas nationwide and can provide competitive turnaround times for results.
Mosquito larval surveys
Mosquitoes complete their immature stages in aquatic environments and these larval sites are the most important aspect to controlling adult mosquito densities. Certain species larvae can thrive in as little as a bottle cap full of water, with larger water sources being able to produce thousands of potential disease carrying vectors. We can inspect these areas for larval environments and make recommendations based on our findings to reduce the adult mosquito densities within a given area.
Viral testing
Potential vectors can be tested using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic assays within our biosafety facility to aid us in determining if specific viruses are circulating within a given area. Expedited testing results can provide clients with the ability to take meaningful action within the communities or area where the infected vector was obtained.
We can currently test for:​
Dengue virus (serotypes 1-4)
Chikungunya virus
Zika virus
West Nile virus
St. Louis encephalitis virus
Yellow Fever virus
Western equine encephalitis
Eastern equine encephalitis
Plasmodium falciparum
Rickettsia rickettsii
Borrelia burgdorferi
Babesia species
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis
Rickettsia typhi
Rickettsia felis
Yersinia pestis
Kissing Bug
Trypanosoma cruzi
Weather data collection
Modern data-loggers capable of recording temperature and relative humidity at a specific time interval can be deployed at each vector surveillance site. This information, over time, when paired with trap count data can provide insight into weather correlations with higher mosquito density. This allows us to better predict times of higher mosquito presence.
Comprehensive database generation and management
All surveillance and testing information, from site location, testing dates, species counts, positive virus results, and more is stored in a database and provided to each client for their use.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis
In depth geospatial analysis can be can be completed providing information on mosquito "hot spots" for each individual species, visual correlations between weather data and mosquito presence at specific locations, and more.
Insecticide resistance testing
Mosquitoes are highly adaptable when it comes to the insecticides used for control. If a client is interested in knowing if their mosquito populations are becoming resistant to specific insecticides being used, we can run bioassays to determine the level of resistance being expressed for mosquitoes in specific areas.
Surveillance Trap Repair
We can repair most major traps on the market so that you can prolong the life of your equipment. We also offer trap upgrade services that can make your traps more reliable and efficient.